Sol Estrella
Sol Estrella was trained and initiated as a Priestess of Melchizedek in 1978 by The Hands of Lord Melchizedek, The Heavenly Father, and The Divine Mother.
Sol graduated from the Central University of Venezuela in 1982 with a degree in Business Administration. She has also earned qualifications in various professional fields in different countries, pursuing studies in natural alternative medicine, homeopathic medicine, Bach flower remedies, and cosmetology, among others.
She was initiated as a Master Usui Reiki and Master Golden Reiki, and she has also trained in Karuna Reiki.
Later, after channeling 11 Sacred Tools from Father-Mother God, Sol created the Zolemgeh Estrella Training Program.
Of the 11 Sacred Tools, 5 are dedicated to COSMIC Healings, where Initiates assist the Heavenly Doctors in various Reiki practices: WARRIORS, KRYSTAL, CRISTIC, MELCHIZEDEK, and MELCHIZEDEK ENVIRONMENTS. Additionally, there are 6 Powerful Sacred Tools that, alongside the COSMIC Healings, provide support on an individual, family, business, and planetary level.
These additional tools include various types of Integral Holistic Coaching:
TEC for Cleansing, Healing, and Reprogramming Akashic Records
TEC for Cleansing, Healing, and Reprogramming DNA Molecules
ANGELIC Life Coach
TEC-Reiki MELCHIZEDEK Environments for Cleansing and Healing people, pets, businesses, and natural environments.
The Story
Sol Estrella began receiving Channelings at the age of four, shaping her way of thinking and acting based on the Powerful Teachings that came from Father-Mother God. These Teachings brought her unexpected and limitless success, allowing her to share them with thousands of people, positively and assertively transforming their lives.
She started leading self-help seminars at a very young age, initially on an individual basis as an ANGELIC Life Coach, and later with groups, touching the hearts of those who attended. She helped them achieve excellence in various areas of their lives, improve their processes, and successfully complete their projects.
Later, she Channeled COSMIC Healings through 5 different types of Reiki. This Holistic and Integral form of Healing, based on Angelic Channeling and Sacred Geometry, addresses the body, mind, soul, and spirit—from the deepest levels to the most sublime. The feedback from participants has included thousands of testimonials praising physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual recoveries.
Sol Estrella decided to share her Sacred Tools with participants in her workshops, training Therapists-Healers, Priests and Priestesses of Melchizedek, and COSMIC Healers in the 5 different types of Reiki. She also trains Integral Holistic Consultants in the 6 types of TEC Consultations mentioned above, ANGELIC Life Coaches, and Zoly Masters who initiate others with these Sacred Tools of Light, reaching as many receptive participants worldwide as possible.
Sol Estrella created the Zolemgeh Estrella Training Program, which aims, among many goals, to fill the hearts of participants with hope, knowing that everything can be Cleansed, Healed, and Reprogrammed. It seeks to break social limitations, generational teachings, ingrained beliefs, ancestral processes, and the constrained ways schools guide us toward success.
Sol Estrella has dedicated most of her life to preparing Integral Holistic Professionals, addressing humans through cleansing, transmutation, resetting/reinitialization, transformation, healing, and reprogramming of their bodies, minds, thoughts, soul, spirit, Akashic records, DNA molecules, and much more—from a single cell to the vastness of who we are as unique and special beings.
Since 1999, Sol Estrella has provided more than 37,000 Holistic Consultations with COSMIC Healings. Additionally, she has conducted over 3,350 seminars, training, graduating, and initiating Holistic Professionals and COSMIC Healers in different types of Reiki. All these Sacred Tools were Channeled and created by her through Father-Mother God.
Sol Estrella has also worked as an Administrative, Human Resources, and Services Manager in several solid companies. In 1997, after an illness, she received visits from Master Jesus, Mother Mary, the Archangels Raphael and Jophiel, and of course, her Master Lord Melchizedek. They asked her to work directly for the planet to elevate consciousness levels and build the New Earth. They guided her preparation for this purpose. Based on their teachings, she began writing several books offering various alternatives for Holistic Healing and self-help.
By 2025, Sol Estrella has written 16 books, recorded a meditation CD, and created the famous Affirmation Cards. These works continue to help anyone who desires to unblock, heal, and evolve their body, mind, soul, and spirit, raising consciousness levels and preparing them to embrace their Divine Mission entrusted by the Creator Father to each individual.
Additionally, Sol Estrella has established Integral Entrepreneurial Holistic Centers, inspired by Lord Melchizedek, under the acronym CHIEC-ECO, in various regions and cities around the world. The goal is to reach major cities globally, bringing Integral Holistic Health (body, mind, soul, and spirit) to those in need and to the community, guided by the Heavenly Doctors.
Together, we are the Zolemgeh Estrella Formation, who transforming the history of Integral Holistic Health on planet Earth – Gaia, to a SUPREMELY HIGHER LEVEL!
Sol Estrella's teachings are based on Integral Holistic Consultations and Advisories, which, together with the Sacred Geometry of COSMIC Healings using different types of Reiki, help recipients and participants cleanse, heal, and reprogram themselves with the goal of evolving to higher levels.
About Sol Estrella
"Over the past three decades, Sol has participated in various seminars and read thousands of books, which have guided her to become a Master Consultant in Integral Holistic Healing Therapies—channeled and created by her through the marvelous Sacred Holistic Techniques of COSMIC Healing Therapies with Reiki: KRYSTAL, CRISTIC, WARRIOR, and MELCHIZEDEK; the renowned and powerful TEC Integral Holistic Consultations; and Akashic Records and DNA Healing Therapies.
All these techniques have been Channeled by her, taught by her, and passed on by the Zoly Masters she herself has trained."
Dr. Ferrari
Holistic Medicine
March 2017
"Sol Estrella is a Woman of Light, an Integral Holistic Consultant and Healer, a Planetary Healer, Spiritual Being, teacher, guide, writer, speaker, and personal and spiritual motivator.
She receives information from the Star Masters and Heavenly Doctors to share with the world, allowing anyone to benefit from this knowledge, using it for their own well-being and that of others, through: writing books and channeling messages received from These Great Masters, as well as Integral Holistic Healings and Therapies."
Francelia Ruiz
Political Scientist
February 2018